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NSCDC Arrests Man Over Alleged N5.9 m Fraud

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), Borno Command, says it has arrested one Emmanuel Bulus over alleged N5.9 million fraud.

The Commandant of the Corps, Mr Abdullahi Ibrahim, made the disclosure in an interview with the newsmen in Maiduguri.

Ibrahim said that the suspect was arrested in Maiduguri on September 10, sequel to a formal complaint made to the command by the 55-year old, Laraba Buba.

He disclosed that the victim released her vehicle under the supervision of the suspect for the purpose of rent to Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) at the rate of N200, 000 per month.

Ibrahim said that the suspect the complainant only paid N370, 000 of the N3.4 million generated from the car rent in the past 17 months.

He further revealed that when the Buba became infuriated by the development and demanded the return of her car, the suspect declared it missing.

The commandant also said that the suspect promised to pay Buba N5.9 million, including N2.5 million, being the cost for the missing vehicle and N3.4 million proceed generated from the car hire service but failed to honour the agreement.

“The suspect failed to redeem his pledge and honour his agreement with the victim, to enable them settle the matter amicably,” he said.

According to him, the command has recovered N1 million from the suspect, adding that investigation into the case is in progress.

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