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Nigerian Student Offered Me SexForGrade - Lecturer Reveals

Emmanuel Acheampong, a senior lecturer at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) Business School, has come out to share his experience on how a Nigerian female student in one of the country’s universities allegedly offered him sex-for-grade.

Acheampong who spoke on Ahotor FM in the wake of ‘sex for grades’ expose by the BBC Africa Eye, said: “She was a Nigerian student who wanted to pass without studying” and that the student had included her Unclad picture and telephone number in her answer booklet after writing his paper.

When I opened the paper, it was an empty sheet with her Unclad picture and telephone number under it. I called her and with my background as a Christian, I counselled her,” he revealed.

I failed her woefully, Dr. Acheampong said.

Acheampong also said he usually gives out questions before the examination to avoid anything of the sort. This practice discourages students from coming to you, he said.

University of Ghana and University of Lagos, whose lecturers were indicted in the documentary have suspended the lecturers.

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