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Flavour, Mayorkun, Style Plus, Alita Jita, Joe Boy, DJ Barbie, Others To Perform At The Republic Independence Edition

Nigeria renowned entertainment and showbiz hub “EdgeMax” will be hosting the “Independence Edition” of “The Republic”, an annual show organise to introduce and commemorate the historic event of Nigeria’s independence day. The show will be held at Millineum Park, Maitama Abuja on the 30th of September and will commence at 2:00pm.

The most anticipated event will witness the guest appearance and performance of top Nigeria musical arts, comedians, dancers and other prominent abuja based stars. Some the performing arts are Flavour, Mayorkun, Style-Plus, Ali Jita, Joe Boy, Pscho YP, DJ Barbie amongst others.

Powered by the Office of the Secretary To The Government of the Federation, “The Republic” will be hosted by popular Abuja MC and Standup comedians, Sir Timmy and Jake Gbama, with their humourous and “sensational” connection with guests and the entire crowd.

The event is organised as a crossover into the national celebration of the October 1st Independence Day Celebration. Amongst other notable events is the giveaway of 500,000naira to any person or group who emerge as winner of a dance competition.

The organisers while speaking to our correspondent stressed that early bird tickets will be available at 2000naira for regular and 7000naira for VIP. He noted that the event is organized to entertain every interested  Nigerian who will be gracing the event.

However, Abuja residents have reacted via several social media platforms, expressing their interest and readiness to guest the occasion, especially with the performance of their superstars who will be performing life at “The Republic Independence Edition”.

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