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What I Think About Tattoos – Apostle Suleman

President of Omega Fire Ministries Worldwide, Apostle Johnson Suleman, has revealed his opinion on tattoos, Igbere TV reports.

In a tweet on Thursday, the preacher said tattoos are permanent reminders of a temporary feeling.

He quoted Leviticus 19:28 to support his stance.

“You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the LORD,” it says (NKJV).

Apostle Suleman also warned that in his opinion, anyone who has not had a tattoo should not do so, and anyone who already has should not have more.

“Really wondering why people do tattoo. It’s a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling. Lev 19.28 speaks about it. In my opinion, if you haven’t done it, don’t do it! If you have done it, don’t do more,” he said.

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