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TRAGIC!!! Pregnant Bride Dies From Stroke Minutes Before Walking Down The Aisle

A pregnant bride died from a stroke minutes before she was scheduled to get married and doctors had to carry out an emergency C-section to save the child’s life.

Jessica Guedes, 30, a nurse, was six months pregnant and apparently okay before she fell ill in the limo on the way to the church last Sunday in São Paulo.

It was her wedding day and she was excited about getting married to firefighter Lieutenant Flavio Gonçalvez, 31.

After taking photos in her wedding dress, she never made it to her wedding as she died on the way due to pre-eclampsia, a condition which can go unnoticed in pregnant women or those who have just given birth.

When the bride complained of feeling dizzy with pains in her neck, her family thought she was suffering from anxiety due to wedding nerves. Because of this the entourage was running late and they were unaware the victim was suffering from the pre-eclampsia.

She collapsed in the limo and was declared brain dead by doctors shortly after arriving at the hospital.

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