All posts in: World News

    INSECURITY: U.S warns her citizens against travelling to several Nigerian states. Check Your State!!

    it therefore advised its citizens against travelling to Borno....Abia, Anambra, Bayelsa, Delta, Enugu, Imo, and Rivers...

    Another Coup In African Country, Congo Brazzaville?

    In a sudden turn of events, Congo Brazzaville is currently grappling with a military coup, raising questions about the stability of the nation. President Denis Sassou ...

    Two Nigerians were detained in the Philippines following a drug buy-bust operation.

    In a buy-bust operation at a mall in Imus City, Cavite, in the Philippines, government anti-narcotics agents detained two Nigerian citi...

  • A woman who is seven months pregnant kills herself in the hospital bathroom.

    A pregnant woman who was seven months along in her pregnancy committed suicide in a hospital bathroom, according to the Gauteng Department of ...

    Following a total body liposuction, a 47-year-old woman passed away.

    Authorities in Russia are looking into how a woman passed away after her health 'catastrophically' declined two days after having whole-body liposucti...

    Husband stabs the alleged lover of his wife in Kenya.

    For killing his wife's rumored lover, a man has been detained by police in Kenya's Bungoma County town of Kapsokwony.   The victim, Alex Kayecha (40),...

    BREAKING!! Massive Protests Hit Sierra Leone Over Election and High Cost Of Living

    Sierra Leone is witnessing massive protests over election related matters, and high cost of living.     The protest i...

    President Macron disagrees with the Junta's demands for a troop withdrawal from Niger.

    The military junta in Niger wanted to withdraw its soldiers after a coup d'état harmed relations between the two nations, but Frenc...

    A businessman from Uganda weds seven wives on the same day.

    Ssaalongo Nsikonenne Habib Ssezzigu, a businessman from Uganda, married seven wives on the same day.   On Sunday, September 10, 2023, the weddin...

    Pictures of some Nigerian men fighting with Pakistan policemen have surfaced online.

    Unknown events may have precipitated their altercation, but one of the Nigerian men was overheard accusing a Pakistani man of firing a...

    Ancient Buildings Collapse, hundreds of people killed as Earthquake Hits Morocco

    A rare, powerful earthquake struck Morocco late Friday night, killing more than 1,000 people and damaging buildings from villages in the A...

  • The Wagner Group will be labeled a terrorist group by the UK.

    The Wagner Group, a Russian mercenary company formerly run by Yevgeny Prigozhin, is about to receive a terrorist organization designation from the UK governm...

    The UK has announced that travel documentation is now necessary.

    The United Kingdom (UK) has updated its travel guidelines for people wishing to enter the nation.   The UK announced on Monday, September 4...

    Shocker!!! "The real Putin Might Be Dead A Long Time!" Ukraine Intelligence Chief

    "Putin is known to wear his watch on his right wrist....a recent video of Putin where he appears to glance down at his left wrist to chec...

    Shocking!! Prisoners Hold Warders and Policemen Hostage!!

    Quito the Ecuador’s capital was rocked by attacks with grenades and two car bombs overnight. This was followed by inmates in six prisons taking hostage 57 pris...

    Drug War: Four Explosions Rock Sweden In One Night!!

    As of August 15, 109 detonations had been recorded this year.                   With Sw...

    Shocking!! "Prigozhin Is Alive And Well." A Russian Analyst Drops a Bombshell

    According to Dr Valery Solovey, Prigozhin is “alive, well, and free” in an unnamed country, , even as Russia stages his funeral which Vla...

    Coup: Jubilation in Gabon Capital as Residents Hail Soldiers Takeover of Govt (Photos)

    Residents of Libreville, the capital city of Gabon are streaming to the streets to celebrate military takeover of government early W...

    HAPPENING NOW!! Military Coup In Gabon!

    We are putting an end to the current regime,' Gabon soldiers say on TV.             Senior Gabonese military officers appear...

    In France, students are not permitted to wear abayas to class.

    The traditional dress known as the abaya will no longer be permitted in French schools, according to the country's strict secular education laws, according ...

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