All posts in: Health

    Four Types Of Women Nigerian Men Love To Marry ( A MUST READ)

    It is a taboo for a man to remain unmarried in Nigeria, which is why many successful men are swarmed by eager women who would do anything in order to bear Mr...

    Why Does My V@g!na Smell Awful? (Pics)

    The supermarket shelves are lined with products encouraging us to keep our lady parts clean and pleasant-smelling . Many of us still remember the line “Do you ever get that n...

  • Woman Discovers She Has HIV After Checking Her Symptoms On Google & This Terrible Thing Happened. (Photos)

    A 24-year-old woman identified as Abby Landy narrated how she discovered that she was HIV positive by checking h...

    What To Do Not To Get STD When you Have Raw S3x (Photos)

    Guys i know you will be wondering how to save yourselves from contracting sexually transmitted disease. Yes it is possible to have it raw and you will be free...

  • Virgins and M@sturbat!on (MUST READ!)

    I get lots of questions on masturbation most especially from ladies -yes, ladies masturbate a lot, especially virgins. Guys also masturbate. There is no debate on that. I'm not...

    SEE GOBE!!! Young Lady Goes Gaga After Taking Weed & THIS Happened (Photos)

    According to an eyewitness: "This happened in my street last night, this girl took Igbo along with her friends, but unfortunately for he...

  • 3 Things You MUST NOT Do After S3x (Photos)

    According to experts, if you want to keep your lady parts in tip-top health there are three things you should always avoid after doing the deed. And, while checking of...

  • These Are 6 Reasons Why Women Love It From 'Behind' (Photos)

      Ask most men, they will tell you that the Do33y Style is their favourite s3x position. Not only does it feel good, it can do a lot to boost a do...

  • MUST READ FOR LADIES!! Wow, Healthy Reason Why You Should Swallow Male Sp*rm. Find Out Here!

    Did you know that male ejaculation fluid or semen is actually good for your health? Before you judge this as a hoax, continue ...

    How To Make Natural Viagra At Home With Only 2 Ingredients (Works 100%)

    It is no secret that some men use Viagra in order to increase their sexual function and performance. But not many people know that there is a d...

  • Warning!! Four Members Of A Family Died After The Woman Made A Simple Mistake With A Potato!!

    Potatoes can be a delicious food that can be used for countless delicious recipes. Unfortunately, in some cases it can be fat...

  • Serious Warning!!! Please Stop KISSING, New HPV Virus Erupts And It Kills Faster Than HIV/AIDS. PHOTO

    News reaching the deck Of  has revealed a deadly disease that one can easily get through kissing.   &...

  • WARNING!! Killer Insect Burns Skin Like Acid, Causing Death Within Days – Don’t Kill It With Bare Hands! PHOTOS

    According to The Racket Report, there’s a dangerous new insect that spreads a skin altering virus whe...

    SUPER ENDOWED!!! See Largest Natural B00bs on Earth (Photos)

    SUPER ENDOWED!!! See Largest Natural B00bs on Earth (Photos) ...The largest breast belongs to Annie Hawkins-Turner (aka Norma Stitz) (USA) who has an u...

  • SAD!! This Woman Made Breakfast For Their Children And Kills Them By A Mistake We All Make! Share This With Everyone You Know!

    In countries like Mexico, moms like to prepare homecooked meals for their children and don...

    EXPOSED!! Nigerian Coke Made With Only Borehole Water, Gas – Rep. Kazaure

    Member of the Federal House of Representatives, representing the Kazaure/Roni/Gwiwa/Yankwashi Federal Constituency of Jigawa State, Muhammed Ka...

    These Four (4) Things You Should Never Do Before Having S*x With Your Partner (Pics)

    These Four (4) Things You Should Never Do Before Having S*x With Your Partner (Pics) S*x is an amazingly thrilling experience t...

    New Disease!! More Deadly To Women Than Aids, Not Even Condoms Can’t Protect You. (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

    Lot of people are not aware of the dangers that can be transmitted sexually. One of those dangers is the HPV and women...

  • Reason Why Women Always Pull Their Bra Immediately (Pics)

    Reason Why Woman Always Pull Their Bra Immediately (Pics) Most women wear B.ras and most men think these to be S3@.x:’y. However, many ladies wonder if ...

  • 7 Powerful Things That May Happen If You Stop Having S3x (Pics)

    7 Powerful Things That May Happen If You Stop Having S3x (Pics) Believe it or not , sex plays a very important role in any marriage / relationship ....

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