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Why early morning sex is beneficial to health"- Nigerian Proffesor

A professor of Biochemistry as enumerated the amazing health benefits of having sex first thing in the morning.


Prof. Musa Yakubu of University of Ilorin has said having sex in the early morning lowers blood pressure and reduces risks of heart attack.

Yakubu of the Department of Biochemistry made the assertion in a paper, “Knocking Down the Barriers to Four O’Clock Activities and Reproductive Inadequacies”, presented at the 163rd Inaugural lecture of the university on Friday.

He said that having sexual intercourse, three to four times a week, was good for love life.He said

    “Research has shown that sex boosts immune system by stimulating the body’s first line of defence and production of immunoglobulin A (IgA), against cold and fever,” he said.

Immunoglobulin A is one of the most common antibodies in the body system.Antibodies are proteins made by the immune system to fight bacteria, viruses, and toxins.

Sex, according to Yakubu also regulates menstruation in women by influencing the levels of lutenizing hormones that control menstrual period and promote better sleep.

He said sex also releases the feel-good chemical, known as oxytocin, which enhances closeness with one’s partner and makes people feel happier for a longer period of time.

    “Lovemaking of about 20 minutes reduces 150 calories,” he said.

The professor of Biochemistry postulated that sex is the most powerful creative force given to human by God for pleasure and deep companionship.

Yakubu, however, noted that any marriage in which the man or woman could not enjoy sexual intercourse or satisfy their partner in bed was a dead marriage. He said lack of sexual satisfaction had led to the collapse of many marriages in Nigeria, and urged couples to seek for solutions to the problem.

    “Sexual and reproductive dysfunctions are common among men and women in Nigeria, which necessitates regular screening and check-ups,” he said.

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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email:

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