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Buhari’s ‘Go-and-Die’ Biafra Comments On Al Jazeera Calls For An Urgent Referendum

ethnicity, it is also clear that there are people who have a dislike, even hatred for the Igbos, for whatever their reasons are, however to hate someone, is quite different to killing someone. You can hate anyone you like, that’s your business, but you have no right to kill anybody, least of all using the very power of state that was meant to protect people.

Mr Buhari in his interview while showing an astonishing level of disregard for the lives of his citizens made a very good point; there is no need to protest. The Igbos should organise themselves, join a political party on mass, and use it to negotiate our peaceful separation from the Nigerian state. Yes, that’s what we should do.

When people don’t want you, when they abuse you, when they exploit you, they kill you, tell you that you cannot be anything in your own country, surely these same people will not have a problem if we leave peacefully. I am not calling for war, no one wants violence, but we cannot continue in this way, especially now Nigeria has a president who doesn’t care if we live or die.

Now not everybody wants Biafra, I am not convinced myself. Which is why we should have a referendum within the Igbo nation, to decide if we want to leave Nigeria or not. If that referendum should show that Igbos want to leave, then we should be allowed to leave peacefully. Other nations do it, we won’t be the first, we won’t be the last.

If it’s the oil that is the problem, then they can keep it by all means, especially if the Niger Delta want to remain part of Nigeria. They can crave the map around Igbo land. We won’t be the first sovereign nation that is surrounded by another. I know this is a controversial statement, but I make it because my conscience will not allow me to keep quiet. I am neither politician or social crusader.



Anambra man of the year award

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