increasingly, various Biafran groups and people who are sympathetic to their cause are converging to keep alive, the hope that the Biafran nation may someday rise again, perpetually.
UK based Nnamdi Kanu, leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), in an interview with Sahara TV in March, threatened havoc on Nigeria if the country refuses to allow Igbos have the Biafran state. “If they fail to give us Biafra, Somalia will look like a paradise compared to what will happen to that zoo. It is a promise, it is a pledge and it is also a threat to them” he portended. “If they do not give us Biafra, there will be nothing living in that very zoo they call Nigeria; nothing will survive there, I can assure you.” Recently, in another interview with Daily Independent newspaper, Kanu stated clearly that Igbos are not regarded as “part of this people” – Nigerians.
He brazenly urged the Nigerian government to order everyone “to go back to where they came from”, implying that the nation’s leaders should allow wilful secession to take place. “Nigerian government should ask everybody to go back to where they come from. Jonathan should leave where he is and start heading back to Biafraland because this is an announcement that even Jonathan’s life is at stake. They will kill him. Unless Jonathan divides the country, I am afraid he will pay dearly with his own life. Ask Aguiyi Ironsi, you will know what I mean.” Kanu expressed a deep resentment by the Northerners and the rest of Nigeria for the Easterners, adding that affection can never be mutual between his region and others. He added: “They hate us, they don’t like us, they feed from our oil and everything they do is designed to put themselves at the helm of affairs while we remain mere servants. Yet they are ready to kill us at every slight opportunity. It has now come home starkly for everybody to observe that they do not like us, will never like us, and can never like us.”
Recently when the Kano Central Mosque was bombed, the Facebook page of the IPOB was buzzing with excitement. The contributors were openly delighted that northern Muslims were the casualties of the attack by Islamic terrorist sect, Boko Haram. A contributor wrote: “For those hypocrites, GOD is revenging for us and