Emerging African States plan All-Biafra conference
The Organisation of Emerging African States (OEAS) is planning an international conference to discuss the way forward on the ongoing agitations for an independent Biafra State.
Tagged the All-Biafran Conference (ABC), the organisers said that all pro- Biafra groups will be invited to the confab.
In a letter to the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB), the OEAS said that the All-Biafra Conference 2016 would be held soon at a location it will provide.
The organization said that the failure to unite is promoting and supporting the lie and calumny of tribalism in the struggle for the Biafra State.
The group called for the creation and implementation of a Biafra United Front (BUF) to use necessary means to achieve the desired goals. The group made the call after accusing the Federal Government of Nigeria of total neglect of its demands on the issue of Biafra.
The OEAS’ letter was endorsed by Dr. Ebenezer Derek Mbongo Akwanga Jnr, the group’s Secretary General and Jonathan Levy, Solicitor, Chief Administrative Officer of OEAS.
They accused the Federal Government of neglecting its initial demand to among other things, release from jail the leaders and supporters of pro-Biafra movements like the Biafra Zionist Movement, the Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) and the IPOB.
The group said that it asked the

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