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Wole Soyinka Tells Buhari What To Do Over High Rate Of Insecurity

Nobel Laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka, has called on President Muhammadu Buhari to declare a state of emergency due to the security challenges facing the country, Igbere TV reports.

According to him, the state of emergency once declared, will enable the federal government squarely tackle the high rate of insecurity in Nigeria.

Igbere TV reports that Soyinka made the call on Thursday in Akure, Ondo State capital, at a Conference held to celebrate his 85th birthday, tagged: “Wole Soyinka, DO Fagunwa and the Yoruba Artistic Heritage.”

The Nobel Laureate also said that the most appropriate measure to take in view of the insecurity ravaging the whole of South West was to declare a state of emergency across the region.

“As regards the insecurity in the South West, there is an emergency. There should be a declaration of security emergency throughout the land and measures taken accordingly”, he said.

“There are many directions of security lapses, you know it here, especially in Ondo State, it is a calamity throughout the whole nation. There is an emergency,” Soyinka added.

Prof. Soyinka said that governors, especially those in the South West geo-political zone, must work assiduously toward tackling the menace of insecurity.

He expressed gratitude to Ondo State Government for celebrating his 85th birthday and the completion of the ‘Dome’ which he said was meant to celebrate art and culture.

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