By Chinedu Nwogu
Sequel to my earlier update on our truth; the Abia investment drive truth, I had promised to update us on specific project progress and a special mention on Nibra where physical construction has commenced.
The update is in line with my personal and team philosophy of transparency and belief in doing what is right.
And suffice it to say that If for any reason, we encounter hitches on any project which is a possibility for projects of the magnitude we are prosecuting, we won’t make excuses but boldly confront and pursue its resolutions.
That said, NIBRA PROJECT is on course has good news for Abians;
1. Nibra is adding one more line to the already planned 3 lines to boost production from initially proposed 24 million pairs to 31million pairs initial annual output.
2. Nibra has secured upfront off take from Nigerian Distributors who already import about 350 million pairs a year.
3. By October, 2019, Nibra is setting up the FOOTWEAR ACADEMY in Aba in readiness for training and hiring over 1,000 employees in her first and take-off phase.
4. The aggressive Q4 2019/Q1 2020 commencement of production timeline still been vigorously pursued and very feasible.
Construction updates include (pictures attached):
1. Completion of perimeter fencing
2. Completion of Perimeter lighting poles and street lights
3. Commencement of Administrative blocks
4. Procurement of foundation materials and Construction of structural elements of foundation.
5. Grading of all internal and external roads.
6. Civil works and excavation in preparation for installation of the pre-fabricated structures on going.
What some people might not be privy to is the under-belly strategic work playing out in the background, some of these efforts are more critical success determinants than physical work; market development, procurements and sourcing are few of these important links in the whole project value chain.
The Nibra/Leather City project is a well thought out project with a prefabricated structure already leaving the destination towards the project sites and installations commencing shortly as soon as the project takes delivery, loads of marketing efforts both locally and globally on-going with resounding results; one of them necessitating the expansion of production lines even before take-off.
Better Days ahead!
Chinedu NwoguSunday, 4th August 2019