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Mother of 4 Shares Her 'Nud3' Photos... See Why (Viewers' Discretion)

A Somalian mother of 4, Kokobie took to her Instagram to share her nud3 photo as she talks about how ‘Perfect is unattainable’.
She also revealed her past insecurities about her boobs.

She wrote;
“I always had big boobs for the most part of my life like DDD.

I had my first child at the age of 18. I #breastfed and pumped for a year and half. I have had #momb00bs for the last 17 years. They changed with every child.

I have 4 kids and I breastfed them all about the same time. I’m actually still #breatfeeding
and until recently I was sure I was going to get my brest done once I was finished having babies. When I was younger I was super insecure about my b00bies. I just wanted them small so I can go bra free. Today I don’t feel the same about them at all.

I L VE them! They have been supplying an abundance of milk to my children and they still are. They are a big source of comfort to my babies and my L VE adores them. I totally respect any woman’s decision to get plastic surgery. But for me, thank God, I didn’t go through with it! We, as women, do a lot to ourselves to fit in that perfect box. According to society, we all are imperfect.

Unfortunately, most of us buy that poo! Perfect is unattainable. As a result, we pick ourselves and each other apart. What for? Why can’t we just be naturally beautiful? Whatever we choose to do to our bodies should be respected. The human body is mindblowing. It’s beautiful. It’s sacred. It’s the only one we get. I choose to #respect #nourish #appreciate #adore and #celebrate #mytemple just the way it is. Any and all negative comments will get you blocked. #motherof4 #mother #woman #LOVEmybush #natural #naturalbeauty #wild #wildwoman #feelfree #livefree #freedom #LOVE #selfL
VE #selfcare”

Anambra man of the year award
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Onele is an activist, also one of the Biafra media warriors. A disciple of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu the leader of IPOB and director of Radio Biafra. #FreeBiafra #BiafraReferendum

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