The Police know me, everybody knows me, i cannot hide, but my fear is that i want to tell the whole world that anyday that i am out of sight, let them know that it is Temple Ude and the rest, because the threat that day was very shocking to all of us.
He threatened to kill our Cordinator, but I rose and asked him if he remember that our lives as human being is not in his hand. That was when he became very annoyed with me, because they have tried all means to stop me from preaching inside Ogbete market.
Imagine a Christian, hitting someone with the Bible: what if it is Quaran? This thing is an eyesore, it is an affront to God, it is a slap to God to hit somebody with the sacred book. While he was beating me, the policemen hijacked me and they were kicking me up and down. And they were beating me, tearing my clothes and everything: infact if you see my Bible now, you will not believe it is the word of God.
Even when one of our brother told the Policemen, how can you be beating this man like this? They turned and faced the man and started beating him mercilessly. From that time onwards, they caged us like animal and lied all of us on the ground and resumed beating us and hitting our head on the ground; infact this my body, there are bruises and marks all over.
So my dear people of Biafra, i’m trying to tell you people that the terror these people carried out against us has not stopped here, because he(Temple Ude) must undertake that our life is secure in Ogbete market because we are worried as a result of his threat against IPOB.” he concluded.
The Coordinator of IPOB Ogbete market, Mazi Ikechukwu Egbenwodo, rounded up the report of what actually transpired. He has this to say:
“My name is Ikechukwu Egbenwodo, the Cordinator of Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Ogbete Main market Enugu. On 19th of September being Monday, we gathered to evangelise and tell people about our upcoming “SIT-AT-HOME” prayer and fasting protest. Then, as we are going, the Omatta security Chairman met us on the way, at first Express of L1 precisely and asked us to come over to Omatta office.
And when we came to Omatta Office, he began to ask me that he think he told me that we will see before. I told him that we are supposed to see but we have met with the Chairman on 17th of September at about 1:00pm, during which we discussed with the Chairman about our upcoming evangelism and our upcoming ‘SIT-AT-HOME’. Then the Chairman gave us his words that we should go and talk to the people and appeal to their conscience, and we reached agreement on that.
That was on Saturday being September 17. Then on Monday being 19, we went as we agreed with the Chairman to evangelise: unfortunately the security Chairman said that we should come up. We began to discuss. They began to shout. The first person that shouted is Mr. Philip Ikeji, he is the Secretary of Ogbete Main Market Enugu. As the tempo began to rise, then came the Chairman, Mr. Temple Ude and he began to threaten to kill me, that he will kill my families and destroy us, and that he will enter into IPOB and will send boys to begin to kill us one by one. That is what he said.
As he was shouting, the engineer of the whole evil, Mr. Philip Ikeji began shouting and threatening us. Philip Ikeji is the architect of all the evil in Ogbete, he was the one that called the Police to come and arrest us. And he is the one that ordered his boys(Agboro) to lock all the doors.
When the Police came, they began to beat us and torture us with all kind of stick and stone and all that. Mr. Philip Ikeji is an enemy of the people and Biafra, likewise Temple Ude the Chairman who gives him orders. He and Temple Ude collaborated to destroy us.
I am using this medium to tell the world that should anything happens to me, my wife or any of my family members, or any member of IPOB, that Mr. Temple Ude and Philip Ikeji will be responsible for that.” he stated.
Finally, the hardcore IPOB members, when asked if the tragic incidence has any way affected their resolve for the Restoration of Biafra, unequivocally maintained that they have no atom of regret over their painful experience, drawing their inspiration from Mazi Nnamdi Kanu:
“We can never regret because our Director since day one has not regretted his movement. So how can we regret?For the fact that Biafran blood runs through our veins, we can never regret it. For the fact that Biafra restoration is still the number one goal of our life, we can never regret; and we are telling the same thing to all Biafrans worldwide and in the zoo called Nigeria and in Biafran land, every one of us cannot regret because our able Director, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has not regretted his action, so we can never regret.
We don’t regret being tamed and castigated and tortured. Instead of us to regret, we will still fire on.” The spokesman, Mr Stephen stated.
“Our words of advice to IPOB all over the world is that this is an eye opener to all Indigenous People of Biafra and this is another thing to ginger our swagger, but for the fact that they are taming and holding us, it does not stop us from preaching the Gospel of Chukwu-Okikeabiama. For the fact that restoration of Biafra is our main priority on this surface earth, Biafra must be achieved. IPOB all over the world should let the fire to keep on burning and at the end, we shall all triumph in Chukwu-Abiama’s name I pray- ISEE!!!”
Written By
Paul Ihechi Alagba and Comrade Chukwu Ogbu
For Family Writers