By Afam Okafor
There is something we are not told yet.
First, I make no apologies. The point I making is open for critical minds to carefully examine. But concerning this trending allegation by Busola Dakolo, let’s look at the loopholes. She said she was in the house with her sister who was upstairs, she heard a knock on the door and went to open it regardless of the fact that she was in her pyjamas or so, the man pushed her to the seat and she didn’t put up any form of resistance, not even to draw her sister’s attention…. nawao! She didn’t even threaten the pastor by telling him that her sister might come down catch them which am so sure will discourage any man because if what she is claiming is true, the pastor must have had the impression that she was alone. Remember that no man will be comfortable having sex before another relation except if they were “babes” he booked. So she neither shouted for help or at least put up a fight or even run upstairs while the man was removing his belt and getting undressed. She calmly watched all that and submitted and I dare say she enjoyed herself.
Okay, she told us the guy went out and got a bottle of Krest and surprisingly she wasn’t even disgusted at all but had the drink and you ask me to believe she couldn’t even at this point express her disgust as would have been the case with typical rape scenario.

Remember “rape” has some logical ingredients. They are basic elements that must be established for such exercise to be dubbed “rape”. If we say the man leveraged on her innocence and loyalty and use words like child defilement (that is if she was underaged) to describe what transpired if any, that will be a totally different issue which and of course is subject to analysis as one must want to know why she kept it secret and equally continued to stay in touch and as she said they had multiple sex at different times including some at the pastor’s residence.
Nigerians where is our sense of judgment.
Am aware that most rape victims suffer emotional trauma and many of them will hate their rapist with passion and will never want to see him let alone to have anything to do with him. How come her case was different and she continued to ” worship ” in the same church.
I think the only reason such crap is getting attention is due to our poor reasoning prevailing among our people. We have people who lack the mental faculties to process facts and come up with critical judgment. Anyway, the saga has just begun. We shall see how it ends because those behind her will surface along the line and the real motive will be unveiled.
Come to think of it, the speed at which those jobless gang of protesters where able to group themselves both in Abuja and Lagos with produced digital placards will leaves every discerning mind to wonder if such exercise would have been mobilized with just 2 days if it wasn’t preplanned and sponsored. That is one, second, how come it was such scandal that provoked them when Fulani herdsmen killings and kidnapping and worst of all, the FG’s move to use government fund to build RUGA settlement for them in all the states of the federation didn’t receive such reaction. This a sign of lost sense of directions and misplaced priorities. The protest wasn’t even for Leah Shuaibu or any restive national issues that affects all of us one way or the other.
Again, it is impossible for man without arms and without using drugs on a woman to successfully rape her if the woman seriously puts up resistance.
May common sense prevail.