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Traced $15million: Patience Jonathan Says “EFCC Wants To Steal My Money”

Former First Lady, Mrs. Patience Jonathan who accused the EFCC of using mercenaries in court to plead guilty on her behalf, has accused the anti-graft agency of plotting to steal her “hard-earned” money – $15million (about N6.3billion).


Mrs Jonathan has sued EFCC and Skye Bank, laying claims to the money in all the accounts.

The former First Lady alleged that the EFCC presented four unknown people as representatives of the companies, all of who did not show letters authorising them by their respective boards to represent them in the case.

Her aide, Chima Osuji stated: “It is an irony. It was the former First Lady who went to court for the repatriation of her confiscated money when she realised that the EFCC and its co-travellers were playing politics with this issue after she had come out publicly to say that the said money belongs to her and that she has all evidence to prove the sources of her money.”

In the charge, EFCC alleged that the accused had between November 13, 2013, and June 2015, used different companies to commit the offences.

The accused were alleged to have conspired to retain over 15 million dollars, which they reasonably ought to have known formed part of the proceeds of crime.

The EFCC had established a prima facie case of money laundering against the ex-First Lady and 10 others. The 11 suspects would face trial for alleged money laundering if the recommendation of the investigative team is upheld.

The EFCC declared that “preliminary investigation has also indicted Mrs. Patience Jonathan.”

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David Olorunsiwa is a student of kogi state university studying business administration and a very passionate blogger. you can contact through this 08132909269

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