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OMG!!! Jealous Wife Pours Hot Water On Her Husband & His New Wife (Graphic Photos)

A social media user posted:

“I have a feeling these women should be taken for a sanity test before any guy should think of proposing. In your courtship period, don’t just waste your time by telling her all the sweet things in the world. Once in a while, try to act as though you are cheating on her and see her reaction.

With the rate at which things are going, I think marriage is now a death sentence o. First it was stabbing, now its hot water. who knows what’s next?”

See the photos below

Anambra man of the year awardAnambra man of the year award
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Onele is an activist, also one of the Biafra media warriors. A disciple of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu the leader of IPOB and director of Radio Biafra. #FreeBiafra #BiafraReferendum

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