I respected Barr Tony Nnadi but he just urinated on the grave of our fallen Heroes and Heroines who died waving the #Biafran flag and chanting #Biafra in their songs, they died calling on the consciousness of the world on the plight of Biafrans in the Nigerian state, you have piloted the Lower Niger Congress for years campaigning from place to place, TV station to TV station without gaining any recognitions.
The Nigerian state and her leadership didn’t bother about you because you and your group are of no importance and pose no threat to them but the arrival of a voice via Radio Biafra changed the whole narrative, Biafrans woke up by hearing the sound of this voice of righteousness, he preached the Restoration and the dead woke up to fight, he shouted and the deaf heard him.
His insults liberated us from captivity and when he becomes angry we are free from tyranny, he was put in prison for our freedom and your liberty, that you are comfortable today discussing Biafra is his grace, you were afraid to mention Biafra that’s why you choosed The name Lower Niger Congress, EzeChukwuokike Abiama anointed him for our freedom, Tony could not have been discussing coalition today if not for Nnamdi the supreme leader of IPOB.
Envy brings strive, dissatisfaction, frustration, jealousy and failure, Nnamdi did put his life and that of his family in line for our freedom now you think you can come and reap where you did not sow In a guise of one stupid coalition, have you bothered to ask the whereabouts of Nnamdi Kanu whom you want his people to join you, are you not aware his house was invaded and his whereabouts remains unknown to the public except the Nigeria government through their army that invaded his house, you and Nnamdi Kanu who will join each other in a coalition?
Biafra is for everyone and you have the right to agitate for her Restoration but don’t try to take what is not yours, must you be in coalition with IPOB before you get your Referendum for Biafra? I mean Nnamdi Kanu did not bother or try to be in coalition with massob,he left uwazuruike and his group and formed IPOB after realizing uwazuruike compromised, he announced his arrival to the Nigeria government and fearlessly came to Nigeria while so many are afraid to come and will never come home except Biafra is restored because They cant stand what Nnamdi KANU faced and not compromise.
Nnamdi Kanu do not bother about anyone of you, he does his thing and the crowd follows him, Mark my word,if you don’t desist from this your attack on Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB you are already on the floor of failure, Biafra is only to be restored by IPOB under the supreme leadership and command of Nnamdi Kanu and there’s nothing anybody or group of individuals can do about it, you have only succeeded in making more enemies for yourself.
Nnamdi Kanu is another Saviour!
My name is Aguocha Chinwendum a disciple of NNAMDI KANU a hardcore Biafran unapologetic

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