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JUST IN!!! Some Of You Don’t Read, PDP Senator Hits Colleagues At Valedictory Session

Ben Murray-Bruce, Senator representing Bayelsa East, says some of his colleagues at the red chamber do not read.

Speaking on Thursday at the valedictory session of the eight Senate, Igbere TV reports that Murray-Bruce said it is important for his colleagues to read and understand events around the world.

He said their duty as lawmakers is to make laws for the future and not the past.

“Lawmakers make laws about the future and not the past. This important for the ninth senate. When you are a senator, you have to read and understand what happens in the world,” the lawmaker said.

“Knowledge changes every six months. Whatever knowledge you have today in six months, it becomes irrelevant. Some of the bills I presented were rejected, and that made me think that some of us do not read.

“In the ninth Senate it is important that you are up to date modern technology and the realities of the world because if you are not,you do not make laws about yesterday but the future.

“I hope the next senate will talk about green energy, electric cars, diaspora voting, talk about laws that will help the economy, help the executive.”

Murray-Bruce urged the executive to allow his colleagues elect their leaders.

“I want the executive to know that the leadership of the ninth senate should be chosen by 109 members of the senate and not the executive,” he said.

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