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9th NASS Leadership: PDP Takes Major Decision, Tells Members What To Do

The main opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) may have jettisoned its interest in contesting for the Speakership position of the Ninth National Assembly, ahead of the June 11 opening day, Igbere TV reports.

This comes following a meeting of the PDP caucus held on Monday at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel.

Igbere TV reports that the caucus has directed its members to vote for any aspirant of their choice from the All Progressives Congress (APC) contesting for the positions of the presiding officers of the 9th NASS.

In a statement made available to Igbere TV by the Minority Leader of the House, Leo Ogor, on Tuesday, he said the decision was taken in the interest of the nation.

Ogor said: “While the nation looks forward to the inauguration of the 9th National Assembly, the PDP House Caucus is leaving no stone unturned in furtherance of its resolute determination to proactively decide the final outcome of the ongoing contest for leadership of the House in ways that would ultimately ensure that the people’s will ultimately prevails.

“While we further our unflinching commitment to the principles and ethos of democracy, the PDP House Caucus has endorsed its members’ decision to work with Speakership aspirants from the ruling party, thereby allowing all who feel thus inclined, the freedom to attend all meetings, participate in campaigns, strategy sessions and other activities of any Speakership aspirant of their choice.

“While the PDP House Caucus has taken the decision with clear focus on the national interest as well as the future strategic goals of our party, we are not unaware that a few may unfortunately feel inclined to go overboard, nibbling dangerously at carrots dangled before them without adequately heeding appropriate guidelines.

“Nonetheless, such risks have to be taken occasionally as part of sacrifice for the national interest – an overriding consideration for us in our great party.”

The caucus also congratulated Nigerian Muslim community on the occasion of Eid-el-Fitr celebration, saying, “After the focused and exacting spiritual discipline that the fasting in the holy month of Ramadan entails, it is our fervent wish that the collective supplications to our Almighty Creator over the fate of our nation, the growth of its democracy and welfare of citizens become a reality.

“May good deeds and the virtues of love, tolerance, empathy and other noble attributes of Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W.) continue to grow and flourish among the entire populace so that we can all reach out to one another in the true pursuit of peace, unity and progress.”

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