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"Oshiomole Is Sending People Out of APC With His Agbero Style Of Engagement" - Ex APC Chairman Says

Immediate past National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC), John Odigie-Oyegun, has lent his voice to the call for the resignation of the current chairman of the party, Adams Oshiomole.

In a statement released on Sunday June 2nd, Odigie-Oyegun accused Oshiomole of chasing many people out of the ruling party with his ”agbero” style of governance.

In his statetement, Odigie-Oyegun said;
”Oshiomhole fails because he lacks the temperament required to run a political party. He lacks the capacity to manage different interests and tendencies that constitute a political party. He engages his mouth before engaging his mind, so he offends party members, so how does that constitute traps by Oyegun.

Only a bad carpenter quarrels with his tools, indeed Oshiomhole is degrading and de-marketing the party, rather than seek to bring more people on board, he is chasing people out of the party with his agbero style of engagement”.

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