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See The Latest Configuration Of 9th House of Reps (Full List)

According to a list of 9th House of Representatives members-elect obtained by Igbere TV from the website of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) will have six members; the Action Democratic Congress (ADC), three; the Action Alliance (AA), two and the Peoples Redemption Party (PRP), two members.

The African Democratic Party, the Allied Peoples Movement and the Social Democratic Party won a seat each.


PDP 134
APC 210
ADC 03
AA 02
PRP 02
ADP 01
APM 01
ADP 01

The latest configuration, Igbere TV reports, will go a long way in determining who becomes the Speaker of the House and the PDP, our correspondent learnt, is in a big position to cause upset.

The green chamber has 360 members and the APC needs to have 240 members to get two-third majority.

More intriguing drama up ahead. Stay tuned.

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