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Woman Catches 54-Yr-Old Customer With 2 Wives Raping Her 11-Yr-Old Daughter (Pic)

A 54-year old man, Gabriel Oriashi escaped being lynched after he was caught having sex with his customer’s 11-year old daughter.

The incident happened at Kajola Street where the victim’s mother resided and also owned a shop where she sold local gin.

P.M.EXPRESS reports that the suspect who was married to two wives went to the shop to buy a drink where the victim was directed to sell to him.
It was gathered that the suspect noticed that the victim’s mother was not close by, ordered her to pull her pant and penetrated her through the back.

According to the victim’s mother, when she waited for long for her to return to the sitting room, she decided to check what caused the delay and met them in the act.

She raised alarm which attracted the residents who attempted to mob Gabriel before he was rescued and handed over to the police at Ikotun Division.

The Akoko Edo born suspect was charged before Ogba Magistrates court for defilement as it was leant it was not the first time he was doing so.

P.M.EXPRESS attempted to find out why the victim did not raise alarm, and she said that he warned her not to tell her parents otherwise they will all die. So she had to keep quiet and bear the assault to save her parents from dying which was false.

Oriashi who was also a truck driver pleaded not guilty.

The presiding Magistrate, Mr. F. Akani granted him bail in the sum of N250,000 with two sureties in like sum.

The court ordered the suspect to be remanded in prison custody pending when he will perfect his bail condition. The matter was adjourned till 15 January, 2018.

Anambra man of the year awardAnambra man of the year award
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Onele is an activist, also one of the Biafra media warriors. A disciple of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu the leader of IPOB and director of Radio Biafra. #FreeBiafra #BiafraReferendum

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