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9 Things Buhari Said During Nation's Address On NTA (Must Read)

President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday night addressed the nation during the 10pm NTA network news in what the presidency described as a “special” pre-second tenure interview, Igbere TV reports.

Read the full transcript of the President’s interview as compiled by Igbere TV below:

On Service Chiefs:
The President said, “I depended on records to pick my Service Chiefs.”

On Insecurity:
The president said, “The Police has failed this country.”

On Kidnapping and Banditry:
President Buhari said, “Expose the kidnappers and the thieves.”

On his past electoral adventure:
“There is no local government I have not visited in Nigeria.”

On what he will do differently:
President Buhari said: “I will persuade the Police and the Judiciary to be hard on criminals.”

On The Fight Against Corruption:
He said, “My frustration is that the fight against corruption is taking too long.”

On how Nigerians can help him fulfill his mandate:
“Nigerians should expose criminals in their neighborhood so the country can easily attract foreign investors.”

On Boko Haram:
President Buhari said, “We have achieved success against Boko Haram.”

On relationship with the Legislative Arm of Government:
Buhari said, “When the Legislative arm goes around posing like the Executive, there is a problem. I asked Saraki how he feels holding the country to ransom, so I rate them low in patriotism.”

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