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What Atiku said in Children’s Day Message

The Presidential Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the 2019 general election, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, has encouraged Nigerian children to never lose hope in their country, whether or not they live here or in the Diaspora.

Abubakar, the former Vice President, gave the advice in a statement issued to Igbere TV on Monday in commemoration of the 2019 Children’s Day.

The statement was signed by his Media Adviser, Paul Ibe.

He reminded the children that they were the future of Nigeria.

“No matter how tough and trying the situation in the country may appear today, Nigerian children must believe that things can and will get better.

“This conviction will help them see in themselves the solutions to the multiple challenges our country faces.

“It will strengthen them to not turn their backs on their country at a time when she needs them most, no matter how rosy life may appear in other shores.

“From chess champions to acclaimed artists, Nigerian children have been in the international headlines recently for exceptional achievements despite all odds.

“These shining lights are just an example of the potential in you, our children,” he said.

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