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Buhari Blast Nigerians, Urge Them To Change Before Demanding Change From A.P.C .

Buhari Blast Nigerians, Urge Them To Change Before Demanding Change From A.P.C .

President Muhammadu Buhari on Thursday launched the national re-orientation campaign at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.According to him, the slogan of the re-orientation campaign “Change Begins With Me” is geared towards engendering a holistic attitudunal change in Nigerians.



This, he said, will go a long way in restoring in the country credible valuesystem, spirit of patriotism among other values.The campaign, being championed by the Federal Ministryof Information and Culture, is organized under the change mantra of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

He said: “Nigeria today is passing through a challenging moment where hardly anything works in a normal manner. Many have attributed this phenomenon to the total breakdown of our core values over the years.

“It is safe to say today that honesty, hard work, Godliness have given way to all kinds of manifestations of lawlessness and degeneration in our national life. This is why we have among our cardinal objectives ‘change’, which implies the need for a change of attitude and mindset in our everyday life.

“I need not mention the serious effort we have engaged in since the inception of this administration on the fight against corruption in our public life.” He said

With the progress recorded in the fight against corruption, he said that his administration is putting in place the necessary sustainable framework for action and measures that will help to entrench and consolidate the progress achieved so far.

He insisted that the best can be maintained through attitudinal change, and the change of mindset in private and public life.He added: “The campaign we are about to launch todayis all about the need for us to see change not merely in terms of our economic, social progress but in terms of our personal behaviour on how we conduct ourselves, engage our neigbhours, friends and generally how we relate with the larger society in a positive and definitive way and manner that promotes our common good and common destiny, change at home, change in the work place, change at traffic junction, change at traffic lights etc.

“This campaign is part of the determination of our party to seek to carry all Nigerians along on the journey to a better and greater society that we all can be proud of.

“There is no doubt that our value system has been badly eroded over the years. The long-cherished and time honoured, time-tested virtues of honesty, integrity, hard work, punctuality, good neighbourliness, abhorrence of corruption and patriotism, have given way in the main to dishonesty, indolence, unbridled corruption and widespread impunity.

“The resultant effect of this derailment in our value system

is being felt in the social, political and economic sphere. It is the reason that some youths will take to cultism and brigandage instead of studying hard or engaging in decent living; it is the reason that some elements will break pipelines and other oil facilities, thus robbing the nation of much-needed resources; it is the reason that money belonging to our commonwealth will be brazenly stolen by the same public officials to whom they were entrusted; it is the reason why motorist drive through red traffic lights, it is the reason that many will engage in thuggery and vote-stealing during elections;  it is part of what has driven our economy into deep problem out of which we are now working hard to extricate ourselves.

“Every one of us must have a change from our old ways of doing things, we cannot fold our arms and allow things to continue the old way.

He said that Nigerians must resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship, pettiness and immaturity that have poisoned Nigeria for so long.

“Let us summon a new spirit of responsibility, spirit of service, of patriotism and sacrifice, Let us all resolve to pitch in and work hard and look after, not only ourselves but one another, What the current problem has taught us is that we cannot have a thriving army of rent seekers and vested interests, while the majority suffers.

“Rather than sit back and complain endlessly, we have decided to act pragmatically, with the launch of this National Re-orientation Campaign. The campaign will not be a sprint but a marathon that will run the course of our tenure.

“We are under no illusion that the changes we seek will happen overnight, but we have no doubt that the campaign will help restore our value system and rekindle our nationalistic fervor”

The President appealed to all Nigerians to be part of the campaign, noting that the change the citizens expect to see begins with them.

“And that personal and social reforms are not theoretic exercise. If you have not seen the change in you, you cannot see it in others or even the larger society. In other words, before you ask ‘where is the change they promised us’, you must first ask how far have I changed my ways ‘what have I done to be part of the change for the greater good of society’.

He said that while the government will drive the ‘Change Begins With Me’ campaign, it must be strongly supported by all concerned individually.

“In this regard the private sector is a major stakeholder. Indeed when the campaign succeeds, it will impact heavily on the private sector. A punctual, diligent and hardworking staff can only be of benefit of not just himself or herself or the organization they work for but to various governments whether at local, state or Federal level.

“While congratulating the stakeholders, especially Ministry of Information and Culture and the National Orientation Agency for conceiving this campaign, I charge all to pursue the campaign with vigour and ensure its sustenance by taking it to all the nook and crannies of this country, with the aim of getting the buy in of the old, the young, the rich, the poor irrespective of gender or other social positions.

“Your Excellencies, Honourable Ministers, Members of the National Assembly, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now my pleasure to formally launch and handover the instrument of the Change Campaign tagged Change Begins With Me to the Honourable Minister for Information and Culture, for transmission to all Nigerians and friends of Nigeria.” He stated

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