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OH NO!!! NDU Medical Student Plunges Into A River After Failing An Exam (Photos)

A medical student has allegedly committed suicide by plunging into a river because he failed his MBBS.

Uzakah Timi Ebiweni, a preclinical (PC) 2 student of the Niger Delta University, NDU, allegedly plunged into the Amassoma River in Bayelsa State after the result for his second MBBS came out and he saw that he was among the 50 students who failed out of a class of 169 students.

The MBBS is usually a serious exam for medical students, one that determines whether they go on to medical school if they pass or resit and maybe repeat the same class if they don’t pass. This exam has been known to be a source of tension for numerous medical students.

Before allegedly taking his life, Time began posting hints on WhatsApp by sharing a photo of a candle burning bright and another of a candle blown out.

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