By Russell Bluejack
Okay our own GEJ upgraded the Enugu Airport and their Buhari wants to downgrade it and so what? Is the economic attack on our region new to us? Is that why that Umuahia criminal is abusing everybody? How will sitting at home solve the problem? We can protest forever, but if we fail to hold a regional summit where these atrocities will be discussed, they will continue. I am not against the sit-at-home, but how does mourning our lost ones translate to stopping these killers from killing us? Are we just going to continue to mourn our lost ones? Don’t we owe them much more than that? By the way, do we need a specific day to mourn our fallen compatriots? It is beginning to annoy me. I think this exercise has become a charade that boasts the ego of power-hungry fellows.
Let us take note that engaging in things that rejuvenate our losses is itself bad. We must come together and find a way out of this socio-economic quagmire. The fire scalding our region is too hot for anyone to even see himself as champion. The real champion is the one that will bring every tribe in the region to the roundtable to discuss the way out. No one is a superstar, as long as we are still dying economically and politically.

I read from one of the online sites that someone threatened that whoever does not sit at home come the D-day should be killed. Are we to deepen our losses? Are we becoming even more oppressive than the enemy? From assassination attempt to actually assassination, I think the absence of unity has disorganised us. We need to reorient ourselves. In our so-called quest for freedom, some of us have found a way to promote our unpopular religion. Several misguided ones among us have gone to satanic shrines to exchange destinies. In the name of freedom elders are being belittled by misguided kids. We are losing it indeed.
When are we going to make the UN invite us for that elusive discussion? When? Unity and international sympathy are the things we need, not radio noise. Yes, the radio noise should go on, but it should go beyond that, except some people are earning their living from it, which, sadly, has turned out to be the case. It is well with us. We either start thinking together or remain in this avoidable war of attrition forever.