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Nigeria Varsity Suspends A'Ibom Student Over Facebook Post (Photo)

A student of Akwa Ibom State University (AKSU), Ms. Joy Nkanang, has been suspended “indefinitely” from the school for allegedly calling the University Vice Chancellor ‘foolish’ on Facebook.

Igbere TV learnt that Nkanang, was in her second year in the department of Performing Arts before her suspension on May 9.

Igbere TV gathered that the suspended student is a native of Akwa Ibom State.

In a search by Igbere TV on Nkanang’s Facebook wall, she wrote;

“AKSU what is happening? A dry cleaners shop was robbed last night along college road….”

The comment was made on May 5.

Further findings by Igbere TV revealed that Nkanang’s Facebook comment was about the increase in cult activities and insecurity around the university campus.

The post attracted some comments, including one Facebook user calling for a protest against insecurity in the university.

“No…. we don’t want to spoil the schools image…. foolish VC,” Ms. Nkanang wrote on the social media site, in response to the call for protest.

The university’s attention was drawn to her “foolish vc” comment which the authority, in the suspension letter, described as “gross misconduct” and a “breach of matriculation oath”.

“Ms. Nkanang would remain suspended from studies and barred from entering the campus until the conclusion of investigation on her case”, the university said.

The suspension letter sighted by Igbere TV, was signed by the school Registrar, John Udo.

When contacted by Igbere TV, the Registrar said Nkanang admitted before a meeting with university officials that she did call the Vice Chancellor foolish.

But a source who witnessed the meeting proceedings said the student was not allowed to make any comment when she appeared before the officials.

“They just asked her where she’s from in Akwa Ibom and who her father is.

“At the end of the meeting, they told her she is dismissed from school. She knelt down and begged, but nobody listened to her,” the source told Igbere TV.

Nkanang declined comment when our correspondent contacted her, Saturday morning.

On his part, the university’s Spokesperson, Akaninyene Ibanga, said Ms Nkanang may be recalled or expelled from the university when the case is “determined”.

He said the suspended student is yet to be invited to appear before a disciplinary committee of the school.

Professor Eno Ibanga is the Vice Chancellor of the university which is owned by the Akwa Ibom State Government.

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