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Peter Obi & Wife Attend Canonization Of Mother Teresa At Vatican City (SEE PHOTOS)

The former Governor of Anambra State, Mr. Peter Obi and wife were yesterday at the Vatican city to watch live the  canonization of Mother Teresa as a Saint by Pope Francis 1


Peter Obi is pictured above with his wife, Margaret(right) and Cardinal Pietro Parolin (middle), the Vatican’s Secretary of State, after the canonization of Mother Theresa at the Vatican yesterday.

Speaking at the Vatican City yesterday after the canonization of Mother Theresa, Obi said that the life of St Theresa of Calcutta was an illumination of service to God through serving His people.

Calling on Nigerian Churches to emulate St. Theresa’s heroic virtues, he decried those that use the instrumentality of the Church to deceive the people, submitting that God would pay those people according to the merits or demerits of their deeds.

Obi who took the opportunity to renew his call for close collaboration between Church and State for the service of the people said that as Governor, the lives of people like St. Theresa of Calcutta inspired him.

 “People like St. Theresa of Calcutta strengthened my resolve to render certain services to our people through the Church such as the return of school to them and the collaboration with them on health.”

Mother Theresa of Calcutta was yesterday canonized by Pope Francis 1 yesterday at St.Peter’s Basillica, Rome.
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