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"Liverpool Victory a Lesson for Abia Youths", Mascot Kalu Spotted in Anfield for Liverpool/Barca Match

The All Progressive Congress (APC), chieftain in Abia State and the candidate for Aba North and South Federal Constituency at the just concluded election, Hon. Mascot Uzor Kalu has urged the youths not to give up despite the challenges they might be facing in life.

Igbere TV reports that Hon. Mascot Kalu popularly known as Nwa Aba joined other Liverpool fans at Anfield Stadium to watch the Semi-final champions league between Liverpool vs Barcelona.

Hon. Mascot Uzor Kalu at Anfield

Igbere TV recalls that during the first leg of the match, Barcelona defeated Liverpool with 3 :0 which made a lot of people to believe that Barcelona will definitely reach the final stage but on Tuesday Liverpool shocked many people by defeating Barcelona with 4:0.

Reacting over the outcome of the match, the youngest former chief of staff went on his social media accounts to advise Nigerians youths not to see the match as a mere football game but rather learn not to give up easily.

In his words

“We should see yesterday match beyond just a mere football game, it should serve as lesson to us, most especially the youths of today that no matter how big the challenge might look, never give up. Nothing is impossible, it will only take time, determination, focus and most importantly faith in God.”

“It is not over, until it’s over.”

“Up Liverpool, we never walk alone”

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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email:

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