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REVEALED!!! Real Reason Barcelona Team Bus Left Lionel Messi Behind At Anfield After Defeat

Last night, the Barcelona team bus did not wait for Lionel Messi as it departed Anfield without the Argentine after the Champions League defeat to Liverpool.

Messi, who suffered a miserable night for his club as Liverpool completed a stunning comeback to knock Barca out of the Champions League was required to undergo a doping test immediately after the crushing defeat at Anfield.

According to El Chiringuito, the process took so long that Barca’s team bus headed to the airport while Messi was still at Anfield. Messi was eventually able to provide a urine sample, while special arrangements were made to reunite the Argentine with the rest of the squad and coaching staff before they travelled back to Spain.

Messi also walked through the mixed zone at Anfield much later than the rest of Barca’s players but said nothing to the media as he was escorted out of the stadium.

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