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Barcelona FC Team Bus Leaves Lionel Messi At Anfield After Liverpool 4:0 Defeat (Photo)

Multiple reports gathered by Igbere Tv reveals that Barcelona’s team bus did not wait for Lionel Messi as it departed Anfield without the Argentine after the Champions League defeat to Liverpool.

Lionel Messi suffered a miserable night for his club as Liverpool completed a stunning comeback to knock Barca out of the Champions League on Tuesday evening.

Barcelona appeared to have a commanding advantage after securing a 3-0 win in the first leg at Camp Nou last week.

But Jurgen Klopp’s side put four past Barca without reply to book their place in the Champions League final in Madrid on June 1.

Messi, meanwhile, was required to undergo a doping test immediately after Barca’s crushing defeat at Anfield, Igbere Tv reports.

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