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JUST IN: Finally, Former President To Be Questioned Over Money Laundering

Sudan’s authority has okayed the questioning of deposed president Omar Al-Bashir over money-laundering and “financing terrorism”, the country’s prosecutor general says.

This is coming as protesters staged a rally in Khartoum to demand a civilian government.

A source in the prosecutor general’s office confirmed that acting prosecutor general, Al-Waleed Sayyed Ahmed had ordered Bashir’s questioning under “anti-money laundering and financing terrorism laws”.

Igbere TV reports that three weeks after Bashir was ousted by the military, protesters thronged Sudan’s army headquarters in Khartoum on Thursday for a “million-strong” march demanding a civilian administration.

Igbere TV learnt that the protesters gathered in even greater numbers than recent days, packing all the roads and bridges leading to the central Khartoum complex.

“Talks between protest leaders and the country’s military rulers (over possible transition to civilian rule) remained deadlocked,” Susan’s media reports.

Igbere TV recalls that the two sides have agreed to form a joint civilian-military council to rule Sudan, but are, however, at odds over its composition.

Protesters are demanding a civilian majority, while the military wants a council dominated by (army) generals.

The disagreement, Igbere TV gathered, prompted the protest leaders to call for a “million-strong” march to assert their demand.

“We want civilian rule and we will keep coming until that happens,” said a protester.

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