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JUST IN!!! Galadima Is Dead

Report reaching Igbere TV news room has it that Chief Imam of Ebiraland, Alhaji Musa Galadima, is dead.

Igbere TV gathered that he died in the early hours of Friday at the age of 98 years.

Alhaji Musa Galadima

Galadima, who was turbaned Chief Imam about 55 years ago, died in a private hospital in Abuja.

He would be buried on Friday at Okene, according to Islamic rites.

He is survived by wives, children and many granchildren.

The state governor, Alhaji Yahaya Bello, described Galadima’s death as painful in a statement in Lokoja.

“He was a humble, gentle and serious Islamic teacher whose tutelage extended beyond Nigeria.

“The late Chief Imam was God fearing, honest, disciplined, and obedient to the constituted authority especially the traditional institution,” the governor said in the statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr Mohammed Onogwu.

The governor urged other Islamic clerics to emulate the life led by the deceased.

Bello then condoled with the Ohinoyi of Ebiraland, Alhaji Ado Ibrahim, the deceased wives, children, relatives, friends, followers and the entire Muslim community over the death of the late Chief Imam.

He prayed to Allah to forgive the shortcomings of the deceased and make Aljannat Firdaus his final resting place.

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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email: nwedenewisdom@gmail.com

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