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SHOCKER!!! Popular Pastor Seen Advertising Joystick 3r3ct!on Pills (Photos)

A man of God has been captured on video advertising joystick erection pills.

The controversial American cleric, Pastor Thaddeus Matthews who is the G.O of The Unclad Truth Liberation and Empowerment Ministries, who took to his Instagram page to advertise the product, has been under fire by his followers and critics, who asked him to take down the video and stop claiming to be a leader of the folks.

The pastor while trying to sell the item could be heard saying the worst thing that could happen to a man is to be set for action and find out that his item is dead and not coming up.

He then offered a free sample of the joystick erection pill to his potential customers.

In as much as Pastor Thaddeus was criticised by some of his followers over the controversial product, some came to his defence claiming there was nothing wrong in what he did.

Anambra man of the year award
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