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Awkward Ideology Of Nigerian Ladies Towards Feminism That Ruins Relationship

It is an undeniable truth that women have faced countless brutal forms of marital and institutionalised discrimination since time immemorial and in all sorts of cultural settings such as inability to vote, deprivation from access to education, employment, pursuing of career, etc. Feminism has been singularly responsible for redressing these deep sexist social injustice. All these are good moves right? Yes I think. 

Now let’s turn to the outlandish, nonsensical, awkward and troubling Ideologies of Nigerian ladies towards feminism and how they’ve flipped the switch and morphed it into an entirely different game which has ruined many relationships and perhaps, marriages of today.

Recently, what we see now are bunch of hurt, paranoid, depressed, frustrated, disrespectful, loud-mouth, fault-finders, pompous, anti-male and heart broken ladies hiding under the wimp of feminism who are always fond of calling names, hurling insults and accusations at those they disagree with.

It’s a pity that many ladies now see “submissiveness” as as a form of “slavery”. They see it as a form of slavery for a woman to remain loyal, faithful and humble to her man. They see it as a form of slavery for a woman to tidy the house, wash her husband’s clothes or cook delicious delicacies for him because to them, men do not worth doing these things for.

What we see now are ladies who do not want to go through the stress of their “motherhood” and if we look closely, we will see that all these contribute to the high rate of divorce we have today

Many of our ladies who parade themselves as feminists have something in common which is their “egoistic attitude”, and if by chance they happen to fall in the hands of a man, the man’s interest in them will rapidly dwindle the moment he begins to notice their bossy and other repulsive attitudes.

To be very frank, any lady who doesn’t want to submit herself to her husband is nothing but a clown and should not bother to get married since marriage is not for her. It will do her a lot of good to remain unmarried and live her life the way she wants without the restriction and validation of any man rather than to marry and get kicked out.

The issue on ground now is that you see these ladies talking about the worthlessness of men and how they can’t do this, how they can’t do that for a man. They are not married yet but already talking about how they will frustrate their mother-in-law if she crosses their paths. Why? Because they have no idea of the sacrifices “women” make to keep their homes in peace and order.

The most surprising thing is that when you ask them what feminism truly stands for, they will begin to tell you about how they want to assume a position which they are not even qualified for; how they want to get admission into Unilag or OAU with just 65 in JAMB. They talk about they are being marginalized and all that. Marginalised by who? They will start blabbing.

Tosyne2much and Wristbangle do not condemn the idea of feminism but what it has become and how it has been running many relationships and marriages. As a matter of fact, the major disadvantage of having the same privileges with men is that most of these ladies tend to misbehave, ridicule and ride on men when they find themselves in position of power. This is when they automatically become the head of the family the moment they have more earning power. This is when the little humility they have is thrown to the wind and their husbands opinion no longer counts. This is when they want their opinions to always count while they pick loopholes in that of others.

The most painful part is that the majority of these acclaimed feminists are usually single but you will always see them advocating divorce and giving bad relationship advice to women by discouraging them from staying loyal, submissive and faithful to their partner men.

Finally, you might reasonably argue that modern women deserve equality but before you throw yourself into a relationship and get kicked out, a word of caution. Note that being a feminist has never helped any marriage or relationship but will most likely ruin it. You can’t rob shoulders with your boyfriend or except your husband not to exercise authority over you and expect something good to come out of such a union.

Although the husband is head of the home, but he is not superior to his wife. The wife submits to his final word but that doesn’t mean she is inferior to her husband. They are equal. .

Argue from now till tomorrow but it will never change the fact that nature has positioned men to have dominance over women. Women are not dominant over men. In all reality, there are still gaps in these two gender and this is where these get it wrong.

Let she who have ears hear.

Thank you

Jointly written by: Tosyne2much and Wristbangle

Anambra man of the year awardAnambra man of the year award
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Onele is an activist, also one of the Biafra media warriors. A disciple of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu the leader of IPOB and director of Radio Biafra. #FreeBiafra #BiafraReferendum

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