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10 Things You Never Knew About Sacked Zimbabwean President, Robert Mugabe

African country,Zimbabwe is the most popular country on the internet right now owing to the removal of the President Robert Mugabe, on 15th of November 2017, who had rule the country for over four decades in military style.

The amazing part was that he tried to switch power to his wife after he must have step down.

Well, Today we bring to you Top unknown facts about Ex President Robert Mugabe.

1. He has a Biblical name. Many may not know but the aged president has a biblical name ‘Gabriel’ and this happens to be his full name “Robert Gabriel Mugabe”.
2. He has a political policy named after him. Like we have Marxism, socialism,communism, Awoism,
Zikist etc. So also do we have ‘Mugabeism,’ a political policy named after Mugabe and is meant to be study by those who want to be like him.
3. He was a once a Prime Minister. Before becoming the President of Zimbabwe, Mugabe had been the Prime Minister from 1980 to 1987 after which he became the country’s President.
4. During his reign he had Seven Vice Presidents and One Prime Minister. Which puts him in position of the President who had the most Vice Presidents in the world.
5. He had four children, 3 males and one female with the first male late.
6. He was once a teacher as he taught in old Rhodesia now Zimbabwe and Ghana.
7. He had been imprisoned before becoming the President and he spent 10 years.
8. He was an introvert, termed a coward and a mother’s boy. Mugabe was a secretive and solitary child, who preferred to be alone than playing with other children.
9. Back in April 2007, he authorized the killing of 100 elephants to provide meat for a feast.
10. He was appointed by World Health Organisation (WHO) as a goodwill ambassador but was removed the next day.

Anambra man of the year award
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Onele is an activist, also one of the Biafra media warriors. A disciple of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu the leader of IPOB and director of Radio Biafra. #FreeBiafra #BiafraReferendum

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