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Over 1000 Pastors Shutdown Abuja, Throw Support At Buhari, Say He's "God's Anointed"

Atleast over a thousand clerics from Christian faith storm Abuja yesterday to finalized support for a re-election bid of President Buhari. IGBERE TV can now report.

The clerics who galvanized and solicits support for Buhari says he has a divine mandate to rule Nigeria for 8years.

IGBERE TV gathered that the clerics converged at the Unity Fountain, Abuja, under the auspices of the National Inter-Faith and Religious Organizations for Peace (NIFROP).

They urged Nigerians not to disrupt the flow of God’s blessing to the land, but support Buhari’s reelection bid, so he could “continue running the errand God has sent him”.

Speaking at the rally, Bishop Sunday Garuba, National President of NIFROP, said: “Before NIFROP announced today’s rally sometime last week, we had been led by the spirit to hold forty days of fasting and prayer. In the course of this exercise, undertaken on behalf of the nation, it was revealed to us that President Buhari is God’s anointed to lead Nigeria to greater heights.

“As you can see, we are more than 1,000 clerics across faiths and denominations. We are apolitical and only delivered this message concerning President Buhari for it what our maker has collectively instructed us to do and we cannot do otherwise, lest we attract wrath unto ourselves.

“The unison of 1,000 clerics of diverse faiths is something that should prick the interest of Nigerians. But it is not a phenomenon for which we should waste time seeking answers. The leadership style of President Buhari as defender of all faiths, ordained to save our religions, is the source of the newfound cohesion that has toned down the tendency for religion to be the source of strife among communities. The naysayers may argue it but Nigeria is on the way to recording fewer and fewer instances of sectarian strife until the larger population of Nigeria will enjoy the kind of cordial relations we have at NIFROP.

“Fortunately, this godly touch is manifesting in other facets of our national life. The corruption that used to be the trademark of Nigeria is now being recognized as an abomination to our creator, something that has been made possible by President Buhari. We are aware that there are those now seeking to return Nigeria to Egypt, back to the days when corruption and theft of public funds was the order of the day.

“We stand on the revelation given to us by God to declare that as He decreed, so shall it be. We on this note appeal to the electorate to ward off evil from Nigeria by aligning with God’s will by voting President Buhari to continue with the work that has been entrusted to him.

“We are aware that the opposition has been making false claims to present themselves as the ones destined to take Nigeria to a greater height and that they can liberate Nigerians but we know this for what it is. Lies of the devil! They are known to the Bible as it is stated in 2 Peter 2:19 that ‘They promise (Nigerians) them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved’. Nigerians must therefore take heed lest they fall the lying tongue that is intent on misleading them to reject God’s choice for them.”

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