call for the moral re-orientation of Nigerians,
saying that he shared their belief that ongoing
efforts at national transformation and
development will be greatly enhanced and
facilitated by the cultivation of better national
ethics and attitudes.
Speaking to journalists after meeting with the
President, Mr. Nwabueze, a Professor of
Constitutional Law, said the convocation of a
national conference was the fastest way to
achieve the most needed transformation in the
“We have done our own research; and we are
not perfect. But our own review is that we have
in this country 389 ethnic nationalities. We need
to bring these nationalities around a conference
table to discuss how we are going to live
together as one country in peace, in stability in
security as one country with the aim of
achieving national unity,” he said.
Mr. Nwabueze said Nigeria was not yet a nation
but a state and the

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