North formed a political party,
the northern leaders called it Northern Peoples
Congress (NPC). They didn’t call it Nigeria
Peoples Congress. That was in accordance with
the dictum and policies of Lugard. When Aminu
Kano formed his own party, it was called
Northern Elements Progressive Union (NEPU) not
Nigerian Progressive Union. Northern Peoples
Congress was, back then, still exists in one form
or another in 2011- not without a Northern-
prefix! Sometimes, you still read Northern
Elements Political Forum! Indeed, these elements
have not changed! 50 years later, we are still
being confronted with a Northern Consensus
Candidate. Yar´Adua´s purported message to
Nigerians from his death bed via Hausa BBC in
Hausa language! Northern this, Northern that!
Not Nigerian!
Various anecdotal records also show why the
is imperative for peace and development.
Late Harold Smith apologized to Nigerians with
this landmark confession:
“Our agenda was to completely exploit Africa.
Nigeria was my duty post. When we assessed
Nigeria, this was what we found in the

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