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JUST IN: Tambuwal Sacks Commissioner Who Dumped PDP For APC

Sokoto state Governor, Aminu Tambuwal has on Tuesday sacked the commissioner for Information, Bello Muhammad – Goronyo hours after he defected from the Peoples Democratic Party to the All Progressives Congress, Igberetvnews reports.

This was disclosed by the governor’s Director-General, Media and Public relations, Abubakar Shekara.


“ Governor Aminu Tambuwal has relieved Barrister Bello Goronyo of his appointment as Commissioner for Information with immediate effect .

“ The Permanent Secretary has been directed to take over the affairs of the Ministry immediately, ” Shekara said .

He explained that the relieved was sequel to the alleged sabotaging of the state government ’ s efforts on its laudable programmes and activities.

The former commissioner announced his defection at the APC campaign rally in Wamakko. Before his defection, he was also the Chairman, Publicity and Media Committee of PDP Governorship Campaign Council in the state.

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