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Lady Uses Top To Drives Girls Away From Her Handsome Boyfriend (Photos)

A lady has come up with an interesting and hilarious way to make women stay away from her boyfriend.

Holly Cockerill, 24, made a T-shirt for boyfriend Karl Hennan with her face on it and some words for women who might have the intention of flirting with him. She went on to share photos of him wearing the T-shirt on Twitter.

Protective girlfriend comes up with an interesting way to prevent girls from flirting with her boyfriend

On the T-shirt he had on, was a warning to other women, which reads:
If your reading this you’ve been looking at my man for too long. And this is how I’d be looking at you if I was here. Hi I’m Holly, his GIRLFRIEND!

Holly’s caption for the photo reads:

Don’t think Karl likes his new top I got him for his birthday x wear it with pride hun x.

Holly’s tweet has gone viral with a lot of Twitter users finding it really funny.

Karl, understood to be a sales executive, even replied to the tweet, writing:

babe I really don’t wanna wear this stupid f****** top tonight can I take the thing off?

And Holly jokingly replied:

No you best keep it on at all times, even around ya family you little b****.

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