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Rotimi Amaechi Created Serious Problem For Me In S'East – Buhari Laments

President Buhari of the ruling All Progressive Congress (APC) has acknowledged that the Minister of Transportation, Rotimi Amaechi, created a problem for him when he pledged to construct a railway connecting the Southeast zone to the Northern part of Nigeria, Igbere Tv reports.

He made the acknowledgment during the APC presidential campaign in Enugu, on Thursday, January 25. He bemoaned that accomplishing the promise Amaechi made would be difficult.

Buhari, however, said he would try his possible best to convince the Federal Executive Council members to approve the project.

He said: “Amaechi has made you people a promise and I don’t know how to fulfil it. But I can see how I will fulfil it by getting the Federal Executive Council members to approve it.”

The president said the promise Amaechi made was not presented to the FEC, adding that it would have been proper to get approval from FEC before making it open.

Buhari also thanked the people of the zone for trooping out for his campaign, adding that they should always have faith in Nigeria as they did not have any other country.

He said: “We all must join hands to build a stronger country as we do not have any other country.”

The president also reminded the people that his government was determined to fix the country’s infrastructure, saying that “if we get the roads done, get the rail lines done, and get other infrastructures done, we will be making progress.”

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