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Harvest of False Claims and Celebration of Ignorance: University Don Exposes Ohuabunwa in Ozuitem


By Professor Victor Ukaogo

I am pained making this intervention as a son of Ozuitem and this is not politics. I also hate name calling in engaging individuals with visible character deficits in how they conduct their affairs. Few developments in Ozuitem lately especially is worrisome. The gathering of misfits yesterday at Elugwumba Ozuitem and harvesting of falsehood deepened the deceit of our people in the name of politics. This is despicable and laughable especially coming from the Ozuitem export to Abia state, Dr Eme Okoro and his friend and co-conspirator, Senator Mao Ohuabunwa.What will it benefit these men to keep telling lies and half truths? Let’s look at some of these lies closely.

Sen. Mao Ohuabunwa
  1. For the upteempth time, Dr Eme Okoro told grave and grievous lies yesterday that he personally made the construction of Umuobasiukwu road possible except that the contract was not only given to an imposter but the wrong person who now lay claim to facilitating same. What a shame. Is it not in the public domain that HE Orji Uzor Kalu attracted at least 30 road construction works in Abia North including that of Umuobasiukwu Ozuitem. He told this same story to Umuobasiukwu youths last Xmas but was booed because they saw OUK at the flag off. The poser here is what is the jurisdiction of the state in approving and awarding NDDC road contracts and would you attract a road construction and surrender the flag off to another individual?
  2. That the original design of the road had Elugwumba axis in Ozuitem and not Isiegbu which was sneaked in from the back door to favor Igbere people. He however didn’t show the audience any evidence to this effect, but only concentrated in abusing OUK, who is their collective nightmare.
  3. That the Elugwumba electricity transformer is God’s gift but was repeatedly truncated by OUK. They didn’t tell the people that this OUK left office since 2007.
  4. That in show of solidarity and compassion, payloaders etc will be instantly mobilized to complete in 2weeks to 4 months the road from Umuobasiukwu to Umuahia.
  5. Outside the insults heaped on OUK, the duo of Dr Okoro and Ohuabunwa clearly sought to deceive and insult Ozuitem people because they now realize that our votes must certainly count. This is in furtherance to crafted lies of the governor Dr Ikpeazu on the willingness of Abia state government to do this same road before the election. These lies delivered by the governor before the alter of God in St Charles Methodist Church, Ogboko Ozuitem was probably told to deceive God too. These lies and lies by seemingly responsible men is reprehensibly concocted to hoodwink and deceive ndi Ozuitem. How on earth can a road that received no attention for four years be attracting this traffic of interest few weeks to election?

Truth be told, the Umuobasiukwu road is now a new 2nd niger bridge used by PDP government for 16yrs to deceive and oppress the Igbo people.

(6)Ozuitem people must reject this show of shame and tell truth to their oppressors that they are no longer available for their rabble rousing machinations.

7) It’s incredible how public officials with deadpan faces tell blatant lies to people without shame. Self praise and under performance by these folks never will prick their collective concience. While Ohuabunwa is empowering women with frying pans, no single Ozuitem/Bende son or daughter is worthy of
assistance from our hard working SSG and brother. This senator who told a yet-to-be deceived audience in Item that he denied Uzuakoli the opportunity to be home to a tertiary institution in 2018 and yet seek their votes is indeed approaching the state of lunacy and indeed a research topic in double speak, deception and bold- facedness. Why Senator Ohuabunwa believes he will insult Ozuitem and Uzuakoli people repeatedly and go free is strange to me but I am convinced that the two communities in Bende must teach him a bitter lesson in the coming weeks.

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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email: nwedenewisdom@gmail.com

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