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Re: Impunity As OUK Moves With Military... (The True Story)

By Adaeze Emeka

The piece written and shared on social media platforms by a faceless person, Okorie Amogu, is nothing but a compendium of fabricated lies and falsehoold. It is not only unfortunate but wicked that disgruntled elements in the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in Abia State have resolved to tarnish the image of former Governor of Abia State and the All Progressives Congress (APC) Senatorial Candidate for Abia North, Drty from the public.

However, for the records as history will not forgive me if I don’t use this opportunity to clarify the issues raised in the sponsored article.

Orji Uzor Kalu

The writer should know that the military as a profession does not interfere in politics and as such, military personnel, domiciled in Abia State will also not violate the rules of their job. Hence, it is wrong for the writer to state that military personnel are disrupting activities of the PDP in the state. This does not stop the soldiers from performing their legitimate duties.

Let me remind the writer that President Muhammadu Buhari being a retired army general has never and will never condone unethical practices in military operations.
Rather, it was during the last regime of President Goodluck Jonathan that military personnel were compelled with the connivance of the then Governor of the state to act against the tenets of their job not even by the C-i-C but his wife, Dame Patience Jonathan, who used her position to ensure OUK (who was the candidate of Progressives People’s Alliance, PPA) was put under house arrest with three armoured personnel carriers stationed in his Igbere country-home during his senatorial election in 2011 so as to pave way for the PDP candidate.

During OUK’s campaign in Arochukwu LGA of Abia State , armed thugs and hooligans, hired by the PDP to attack OUK and other top APC chieftains in Abia state met their waterloo as they could not confront the intimidating campaign entourage of OUK. In an attempt to disrupt the APC campaign by all means, one of the paid thugs peddled a military manl with stones and this triggered a heated argument between the duo but the soldier displayed maturity by walking away from the scene. As the attack on OUK was foiled in Arochukwu , there was another attempt on his life a few days ago in Abam, sponsored by the same people.

The EFCC case against OUK is presently before a Federal High Court in Lagos. It is the prerogative of the court to decide OUK’s fate. The writer claimed that OUK sneaked out of the country. Why will OUK sneak out of the country? He is a successful businessman, astute politician and a philanhtropist. A big fish has no hiding place. Let it be clear to the writer and his cohorts that OUK is a strong advocate of the rule of law and as such, he will not do the contrary.

It is needless dragging President Muhammadu Buhari’s name into the write-up for cheap political points. I would have expected the writer to applaud President Muhammadu Buhari’s achievements in the South East especially in the area of infrastructure including second Niger Bridge and other social investment programmes.

Although I did not want to waste my time and other resources in penning a detailed response to the poorly paid writer of the article , I am sure, the PDP agents in Abia State, have conceded defeat in the forthcoming poll as the broom revolution is aggressively making waves in the state.
On February 16, Abians will come out en-masse to cast their votes for President Muhammadu Buhari and other APC candidates.
A note of advice, for the doubting Thomases, it may not be too late to join the next level (project four plus four is a goal).

On a final note, it is an established fact that OUK is a compassionate statesman, who has continually sustained his goodwill across ethnic, religious and political divides. Barely two days ago, during OUK’s check up at the Federal Medical Centre, Umuahia, he visited patients in the medical facility and offset medical bills of a good number of them out of compassion. By acknowledging the good deeds of people, we will encourage them to do more for the betterment of the society.

Adaeze Emeka writes from Ohafia, Abia state

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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email: nwedenewisdom@gmail.com

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