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See 13 Petty Excuses Girls Do Give If They Are Not Ready For A Relationship, NO1 Will Shock You

As much as women can be cruel and bad in other aspects, they are very considerate at times, especially when it comes to matters romance.

While a few ladies will badly tell a man off for expressing affection towards them, many know exactly how to handle such situations.

Girls belonging to the latter category come up with the best excuses to turn a man down and not hurt their feelings while at it. IGBERE Tv compiled a list of 13 ‘smart’ excuses most naija ladies will give to avoid getting into a relationship.

Let us just be friends

This happens to be girls’ favourite and it has proven to work since time immemorial.

I do not see you that way

Most ladies use this on people who have been close to them and have tried to throw vibes. This is a result of over familiarity. A simple way to friend zone a brother.

I am with someone else

Even when you know she is single, she will still tell you she is taken just to keep you off.

I am too busy No one is too busy for someone they love.

Read between the lines bruh!

Maybe some other time

Ladies love it when men linger around them, it boosts their ego, and you my friend may just be one of those boosting her ego. Single but she just loves to see men lining up for her.

You deserve someone better

Lol.Lie, scam!

I am not ready for a relationship

now When a girl wants something, she can make it happen, including a relationship. Also, if a lady sees someone she wants, she will definitely be ready for a relationship no matter what. Very simple, dear brothers.

I want to but I will not be available


Sorry I did not see your text/call/email

She is simply avoiding you bruh. She saw the email or text, read it and made a mental note to forget you.

I will call you

Another very big scam. She will never call you and will always give an excuse if you call to ask why she did not call you!

Her body language will tell

Yeah, body language never lies, it never.

Ignores you She will ignore you ‘live live’ and you better read the signs early.

I am focusing on something else very important

She is simply telling you you are not very important and so could you kindly shoo away!

Anambra man of the year awardAnambra man of the year award
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