Former minister of Aviation, Fani-Kayode has raised an alarm after the Economic Financial and Crime Commission, EFCC, raided the residence of the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Justice Walter Samuel Nkanu Onnoghen.
Fani-Kayode who reacted via his Twitter handle asked President Muhammadu Buhari to call off EFCC from Onnoghen’s residence.
He said : “Why have the EFCC surrounded the home of CJN Onnoghen and why are they seeking to arrest him?
“These people want Nigeria to burn! Buhari call off your dogs before it is too late!
“This is a democracy and not a gestapo state! In the name of God let this madness stop.”
Igbere TV had reported that President Buhari and Onnoghen met today during the armed force remembrance day.
More details soon. Stay with Igbere TV. Africa’s No1 community Tv
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