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JUST IN: Olamide And Lil Kesh Under Fire For Promoting Money Rituals In New Song

Popular musician, Olamide and his former
protégé, Keshinro Ololade, popularly known as Lil Kesh are facing heavy criticism for lewd lyrics promoting money rituals in their new song, Logo Benz.

Olamide and Lil kesh

The song , titled ‘ Logo Benz ’ , which was released on Wednesday , has been criticised for promoting criminal , immoral and diabolical practices, and bringing the nation into disrepute.

One of the opening lines to the three-minute 52 – second – long song says , “ I dey pray to Jesu, ‘ K’ owo wo le o ! If money no enter , I go do blood money o !’ I dey pray to Allah , ‘ K’ owo wo le o ! If money no enter , I go do blood money o !’”

However , the lyrics have stirred strong criticism from Nigerians online. Reacting on Twitter , many derided the artiste for the perceived promotion of a rampant social vice.

A user, @ youngichu , citing other controversial tracks by Olamide , said , “’Story for the Gods ’ – Rap . Science student – drug abuse. Poverty die – yahoo (Internet fraud) . Logo Benz – Ritual . Olamide really is not only trash but a liability to Nigeria ’ s journey. ”

Omope AbdulAzeez said , “Suddenly , Nigerians are woke . Falz spoke against yahoo boys and praising illegal acts some time ago and majority came for him and labelled him a privileged child . Lil Kesh and Olamide just remixed what 9 ice said some time ago , which was glorifying blood money . It’ s now a norm. ”

Similarly, @ ani_ nomso said , “ We have praised fraudsters in so many ways, especially in the music industry ( such ) that Olamide has the guts to publicly say he ’ ll do ritual. No fear whatsoever , (he ) talked about killing someone to make money so casually like it’ s nothing . Pathetic!”

Daniel Iyam said , “I like Olamide but I think he needs to put a stop to his trashy lyrics . It’ s okay to be creative and relatable but never make it look like fraud and other vices are normal . Kids listen to his music a lot and these influences make them see yahoo as a career path. Not cool . ”

In the same vein , @ royzkingin said , “ At this moment , Olamide and Lil Kesh are toxic to the music industry . ”
@ OlaTheOG said , “ This ‘ pata ni logo Benz ’ song is a totally insensitive song . In fact , if you find it funny , you ’ re stupid . Olamide and Lil Kesh should be banned . Their desperation to stay relevant has got out of hand. ’

Favour Onyeoziri said , “ If you believe no one should criticise Olamide and Lil Kesh because some other artistes glorified internet fraud and got away with it in the past, then you need your brain examined by a qualified psychiatrist . ”

Lil Kesh , responding to the backlash, posted, “If money no enter , I go do blood money o . Talk your own. We are not promoting what already exists . We are bringing awareness to it, so spread your panties at owner ’ s risk because people are targeting panties . ”

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